Whether you need new service or are moving out of town or just across the street, you can find the form you need below. Have questions? Give us a call at (800) 562-0950
Apply for New Service
Welcome to the area! We are pleased to be your utility provider. Our office is closed to the public. Please download the application and mail it to, Alger Delta Cooperative 426 N 9th Street, Gladstone, MI 49837. Or if you prefer, you can drop the application in our drop box located in front of our office building. You will need to include a copy of your driver's license when you apply for a new service. This can be done by calling our office or by completing the:
New Residential Service form.
Commercial New Service Form.
Easement Form
√ Have You Been Inspected? √ Are Electrical Permits Required?
A person shall not equip a building with electrical conductors or equipment or make an alteration of, change in, or addition to, electrical conductors or equipment without receiving a permit to do the work described.
√ Do you need a license to do electrical work?
To obtain electrical permits, an applicant shall be an electrical contractor or specialty contractor licensed by a municipality or by the State Electrical Administrative Board
a homeowner performing electrical work in a single-family home and accompanying outbuildings owned and occupied, or to be occupied, by the person performing the installation.
Electrical Permit Application
Electrical Inspector Region Map
Change Mailing Address
Occasionally, we know that our customers will want their utility bill sent to an address that is different than their service address. This can be done by calling our office. 1-800-562-0950
Terminate Service
If you are moving out of the area and need to close your account with us, please call us to let us know your anticipated termination date. 1-800-562-0950